5 Types of Players You’ll Encounter in an Escape Room

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Escape rooms are not only fun and challenging but also offer an opportunity to build your puzzle-solving skills. In fact, most people enjoy testing their skills against the clock in an escape room. There are typically five types of players you’ll encounter in an escape room, which can provide quite a bit of entertainment. Be sure to book your escape game adventure at Trapped Escape Game in Pigeon Forge today!


The paranoid player is always expecting something to jump up or out to scare them. As a result, their anxiousness will likely cause you to jump at some point when they end up screaming for no reason. In fact, there’s probably not much in the escape room that won’t scare them or convince them they should be worried, so you’re better off focusing your efforts on solving the puzzle instead of trying to calm them down.


This player always takes the lead and gives everyone else instructions on what they should be doing to solve the puzzle. While this role can be helpful at times, especially if your team is feeling lost, it can be annoying more often than not. After all, no one really enjoys being bossed around by another person. Talk with your teammates ahead of time to discuss how you plan to work together to avoid this situation.


Also known as a chatty person, this player can’t seem to stop talking. Ever. Not only will they give commands, but they’ll also ask tons of questions and even interrupt other conversations. This behavior is likely due more to the fact that they’re nervous and not sure what to do to help solve the puzzles. Look for ways to help them focus more and talk less.


The angry player can really catch you off your guard. They don’t typically start off by being angry, which is part of the reason why it’s surprising when they lose their cool. Once the game is in play and things start to get challenging, this player can lose their cool out of seemingly nowhere. Their behavior can vary from complaining about every aspect of the game to blowing their lid.


The Instagrammer feels the need to record every person, conversation, and activity in the escape room to share on their Insta story rather than working to help solve the puzzles in the escape room. Typically, phones aren’t allowed in escape rooms, so they might be horrified to discover that they’ll have to cope without their phone for about an hour.


No matter what type of player you are or what type of player you encounter, you’re sure to have tons of fun when you visit Trapped Escape Game in Pigeon Forge. Test your skills in our escape rooms and be sure to book your adventure in the room of your choice: Survival, Alcatraz, Capone, Haunted Cabin, and Asylum. Book today!


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